SEMA Load Notices


I am asked quite frequently about load notices on racking. Either reports come back with actions such as

  • Load notice missing

  • Load notices require updating due to insufficient information

  • Incorrect information

Before I explain please understand that load notices are there to ensure the maximum UDL (Uniformly distributed load) is not exceeded for the beams maximum capacity per pair of beams or beam level. Also if you are thinking of re designing your pallet racking configuration, adding in extra beam levels or increasing the height of the first beam level you MUST contact the supplier of the racking or manufacturer as all of the above will effect the capabilities of the structure and its strength.

Your load notice must show the following

  • Maximum weight in KGS per level

  • First beam height (NOT TO BE EXCEEDED)

  • Pitch distance between beam levels

  • Total maximum bay load

  • Supplier details

  • Date of installation

  • Warehouse Health and safety symbols

For an example Load notice get in touch

Load notices are a minimum standard to be installed at the end of each run of racking. Beam load stickers can be installed as long as a load notice is in place. Beam stickers on there own will not suffice.